Since baby J's arrival our lives have been turned upside down. Everything revolves around feeding, burping, nappy changes and deciphering the meaning of different cries. When I am rational, I know that the extremes of emotions I feel have been experienced by every mother before me and somehow we will get through this testing period. Simultaneously, I feel like no one could possibly understand how I am feeling. The constant barrage of questions and conversations in my head is driving me crazy.
Strict routines vs no routine
Cloth nappies vs disposables
Breast vs bottle
I have conversations with myself. "Is he developing appropriately? Oh no, he has very poor head control compared to X , better get on with more tummy time training. But didn't I say I am never going to be a pushy mother and compare him to others, he will develop at his own pace. Won't he?"
And so it goes on and on.
I am really enjoying motherhood, though I am finding it an amazing challenge and by no means easy. Pre baby I would have classified myself as an intelligent, independent working professional. I would read the evidence and come to my own conclusions about 'stuff'. Now post baby, I feel like I can't even string coherent sentences together let alone work out what should be 'normal'. Lately I preface each sentence about baby J's development with 'Well, the baby book says......' . My hubby finds this a constant source of laughter. Anyway I digress. As part of this whole change in 'lifestyle', I am finding my interest in cooking, gardening, (for which I previously have had very little enthusiasm) and crafts suddenly evolving. I found myself today looking at beautiful cotton prints wishing I had the ability to sew something for baby J. Even hubby is pursuing new hobbies. This week after tasting some home made bread made by my mum, despite not being much of a cook he decided it would be wonderful for us to bake our own bread too. Armed with a book lent to us by my mum; "Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois" he set about with determined gusto to bake his first crusty white bread loaf!
This morning I awoke not to a crying baby, but a fervent puppy dog (aka hubby) who dragged me upstairs to see and taste his beautifully baked bread. His enthusiasm and satisfaction from the process has spurred me on to explore all those things I always think about but never have time for. I don't know how much I will be able to achieve on my bucket list but at least starting a blog and making homemade bread (by proxy) have been ticked off!

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