Thursday 19 April 2012

Quote of the day

I have just finished reading Fiona Higgins novel 'The Mothers' Group'. Quite enjoyed it as it was a quick and easy read and something I could really relate to. I think the best part about it however, was the opening quote.

" The mothers agree that indeed the years do fly. It's the days that don't. The hours, minutes of a single day sometimes just stop. And a mother finds herself standing in the middle of a room wondering. Wondering. Years fly. Of course they do. But a mother can gag on a day." Jain Sherrard

I am very grateful for a lovely mothers group. Ten very different women from extremely different backgrounds. I honestly didn't think it would work, but the support and generosity shared between all of us has really created a group that genuinely cares for one another. Sharing the daily ups and downs of motherhood with others going through a similar process has been so rewarding!